5.30 weekly

Sorry for I skipped the last weekly report.

The work continued as lock-down enter its 3rd month. Enduring the endless shortage of freedom, some work resumed. Prof. Peng is trying to conduct some experiment on air laser. I’d like to percipient as this provides a valuable opportunity to practice my experiment skills for I haven’t actually involved in any experiment.

I wish we could be release soon, but who cares.

Categorized as Weekly

5.14 2022 weekly

Another week with nothing done : (. I really forgot how my life was before this fucking lock-down. At least we got some outdoor hours, though under heavy conditions, secured.

LMF2root is a vast programme and are taking far too many times, result in the lagging behind in other projects.

But the worst problem is the morale are running low, and as time pass there is not a sign any of our tragic is coming to an end. And surely no hope of ending this inhumanly dictator whose incapability is only matched by his hunger to power.

We are here, we are suffering. Shanghai, 2022.

Categorized as Weekly

5.7 2022 Weekly

We are still under lock-down, which means no labs, no supplies and worst possible meals and no diet-coke to fuel the ideas. (Though there are some regular coke)

The programme, LMF2Root, finally start working, with all the dlls copied to the debug folder, other things stays rather put.

I wounder if anything good could happen now, for I need those result to get the hell out of here. I simply refuse to live in a city where people can be locked up for propaganda.

So CCP & Xijinping, go f yourself.

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