

这里简单说明一下: 我提供了什么服务, 怎么利用这些服务, 怎样帮助我以及请不要做什么.


和利用Sway持续更新的墙内镜像 https://sway.office.com/ftVVZkBm0dNJEyHU, 获取最新服务器地址等

如果有什么问题, 请发邮件给kefeiwu@foxmail.com

如果喜欢这项服务, 希望可以在https://kefeilabs.top/2022/12/11/简单介绍/留言, 写下自己需要的使用时间或月流量, 方便我统计

感谢你对我的信任, 这里开门见山地给出两个trojan服务器地址,这两个都是我自己的服务器, 所以资源不是很多, 希望大家尽量节约一点, Thank you for playing fair. 加拿大的服务器可能更快, 而荷兰的服务器可能更适合教育网, 大家可以自己下载Trojan-qt5, 扫码输入内容并使用, 下边有一点简单的介绍.

下载Trojan-QT5 (github或我的nas: http://liu-lab.quickconnect.cn/sharing/E9j9Sn6hR 文件解压密码: 1111)

我保证不监视你们的流量, 或者浏览, 但是我会记录登录ip和使用量 (放松, 很难通过ip定位到人, 最多可以定位到大学/社区)来防止滥用. (除非某个ip在一个月内耗费了100g或者ddos我了之类的, 我都不会定义为滥用的, 不过请尽量克制在youtube打开1080p的冲动, 因为1. 网速可能不够, 2. 即使足够也不要这样)

如果正常使用中出现卡顿, 请马上留言或给kefeiwu@foxmail.com发一封邮件, 我会尽力升级.


Trojan是一种利用https流量翻墙的服务, 所以在大多数时候都不会被识别出来.



  1. 下载Trojan-QT5
  2. 按照图1的方法,  将服务器信息填写进去 (服务器信息可能持续更新)

服务器1: 加拿大

防止被自动抓取, 这里使用图片

如何使用: 扫描二维码导入或链接导入 (推荐)

服务器信息可以导出为一个二维码或网址, 通过扫描二维码也可以导入服务器信息.




在得到服务器信息后, 双击服务器或选中节点后点击链接即可

PAC模式通过预定义的用户列表将墙内流量直接连接, 墙外流量过代理. 但是PAC有已知的安全隐患(通过第一个dns地址判断, 可能会被诱导到非代理流量), 建议需要安全性的同学不要选择. 其他同学随意.


我的经历仅允许我利用业余时间维护这些服务器, 希望大家理解. 这个服务并没有保障, 如果在服务中出现问题里请通过邮件与我联系, 包括软件设置和服务本身的问题都可以联系我.

我在服务中并没有限速, 不过希望大家自己不要使用超过需求的速度 (即使能打开1080p的视频, 也请大家尽量克制), 因为流量本身不便宜.

我不会记录任何人的任何浏览记录, 事实上说有人都使用同样的用户名和密码. 然而请不要滥用这项特权, 我会记录登陆的ip与时间, 记录保留一个月, 在收到服务器所在地法院邮件后我会封禁相应ip, 如果是大学的同学可能会导致整个大学的ip都被封禁.

我不保证任何服务的可用性或速度, 我吃赛百味的优先级大于服务器维护…

欢迎大家将服务分享, 同时建议新使用服务的同学在评论留下: 化名, 预计使用的时间或月流量, 方便我随时升级服务器.

希望大家遵守这些规则, 这样才可能更长远的使用这项服务. 顺祝大家工作顺利, 身体健康

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Categorized as Notes Tagged

Drokendown of multiple PC in our lab & Recent data

Multiple pc broken down in ourlab, including mine, thankfully my data is restored.

My PC brokendown due to a powerdown during win11 update, thankfully a restorepoint saved almost everything, including software settup and others, nothing except a day of rescue work is cost.

Unfortunately, the hard-drives of some dated lab pcs broken down last week with no backup. Most files are restored but some is lost.

The VMI in Shanghai soft x-ray facility has given some early image:

And that is what we call high Hi-Res 🙂

the picture is Ar in 780nm linear polarized laser using energy focus mode of VMI. By adding 40000 images with exposure time of 5ms we obtain this. The colour is arrangd in linear fasion form 0 – 4400 hits, centre area with more than 4400 hits have the same colour as 4400 hits.

Categorized as My Works

5.30 weekly

Sorry for I skipped the last weekly report.

The work continued as lock-down enter its 3rd month. Enduring the endless shortage of freedom, some work resumed. Prof. Peng is trying to conduct some experiment on air laser. I’d like to percipient as this provides a valuable opportunity to practice my experiment skills for I haven’t actually involved in any experiment.

I wish we could be release soon, but who cares.

Categorized as Weekly

5.14 2022 weekly

Another week with nothing done : (. I really forgot how my life was before this fucking lock-down. At least we got some outdoor hours, though under heavy conditions, secured.

LMF2root is a vast programme and are taking far too many times, result in the lagging behind in other projects.

But the worst problem is the morale are running low, and as time pass there is not a sign any of our tragic is coming to an end. And surely no hope of ending this inhumanly dictator whose incapability is only matched by his hunger to power.

We are here, we are suffering. Shanghai, 2022.

Categorized as Weekly

5.7 2022 Weekly

We are still under lock-down, which means no labs, no supplies and worst possible meals and no diet-coke to fuel the ideas. (Though there are some regular coke)

The programme, LMF2Root, finally start working, with all the dlls copied to the debug folder, other things stays rather put.

I wounder if anything good could happen now, for I need those result to get the hell out of here. I simply refuse to live in a city where people can be locked up for propaganda.

So CCP & Xijinping, go f yourself.

Categorized as Weekly

04.30 2022 weekly

Hello, and this are my week.

I’ve made some progress in learning group theory, and also started to learn Atomic physics 8.421. The programming work due to end before May is suffering delays, and is unlikely to finish before mid May. Damage control is on the way, but unless we can reopen our city and have some coke, this work won’t going as we expected.

Suffering through the restrictions, we hope the lock-down coming to an end, one way or another.

Categorized as Weekly

4.23 2022 Weekly update

I shall update every Saturday, if possible. So despite I wrote this article on 4.25, the title is still 4.23. : -(

Well, I got the website up and running. A first step toward academy openness, in a sense. Though I doubt if any people shall ever visited this site.

This week nothing is achieved (sadly I might write this more often than I wanted : -< ). I will blame the useless yet very frustrated lockdown. Though the real or more important reason is my lack of motivation.

Looking on the bright sight, we are allowed twice a week go around time, I might get some exercise, and hopefully this might make things better.

I hope our lab can do some experiments soon, so I am preparing myself with both the knowledge and the software needed to do experiments. In the next few weeks, my job is primarily programming, which I’m not very found of. Well someone has to do the dirty works, I suppose.

Categorized as Weekly

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